The intelligent and energy-independent iSAtech prepaid dispensing systems also offer great advantages for industrial and irrigation applications. Differentiated tariffs can be used, e.g., depending on the time of day, and online billing and consumption data acquisition is also possible. The prepaid method protects the supplier from payment default or delay. A secure and transparent supply is ensured for the consumer.
Tanker filling station
In many places, water tankers fulfil the essential task of supplying water. Especially in remote areas, a tanker filling station with the prepaid meter simplifies the billing of large water customers. These stations can be operated with personnel or completely self-sufficient.
The tanker drivers top up their credits either via card at any recharging station or via the Internet. Depending on the profile, water can be withdrawn until the tanker is filled, the card has been removed or the credit has been used up. The prepaid meter offers water suppliers better control over the actual water consumption of each tanker filling station and thus protection against payment losses. Every transaction can be traced with the logs of the point of sale terminals, the prepaid software and the dispensing units.
For modern, efficient irrigation, the dispensing units can not only be used in prepaid mode. They are also an intelligent and remotely configurable distribution instrument. The flexible control units can also be combined with existing, electronically controllable valves and water meters. The integrated automatic tariff system can be configured with time-dependent volumes, for example, so that irrigation works with predefined volumes at set times of the day and year. Maximum volumes can also be defined, i.e. the maximum amount of water that can be irrigated per hour. Remote configuration via the GSM network is of particular interest in this case.
industrial facilities
For the water supply of industry, it may be necessary to optimize or restrict the supply. There are situations where customers, such as farms, factories or mines, account for up to 90% of local water demand. In these cases, the dispensing units can be equipped with a differentiated time profile in order to have a better influence on the demand.
This gives water suppliers the opportunity to influence demand via the water price without seriously affecting consumers. With the time profiles, the supplier can increase the water prices for industrial consumers during peak periods.
In times of lower demand, the normal or reduced prices can be calculated. This creates the possibility to smooth demand peaks and to increase the availability of water at a given capacity. The iSAtech prepaid meters can also be integrated into existing infrastructures and use existing fittings.
Prepaid Meter - iSAtech Prepaid Meter Bulk
The iSA Bulk is available with the remote control unit. This allows flexible installation of the system. Alternatively, the system can also be installed in a robust housing.
Prepaid Meter - Bulk DN 50
The iSAtech prepaid meters are available as compact water dispensing systems from DN20. The iSAtech Prepaid Meter Bulk DN50 is available for industrial and irrigation applications. This system consists of an integrated DN50 water meter with valve, the iSAtech control unit and a robust steel housing. With the integrated power supply, it can be configured for water dispensing with credit card or online credit. The industrial profile is used as dispensing profile. The credit is topped up and can be used over any period of time, depending on the tariff.
Prepaid Meter - Bulk DN 100
For use in the industrial and irrigation sector, there is the iSAtech Prepaid Meter dispensing System Bulk DN100. This system consists of an integrated DN100 water meter with valve, the iSAtech control unit and a robust steel housing. With the integrated power supply, it can be configured for water dispensing with credit card or online credit. The industrial profile is used as dispensing profile. The credit is topped up and can be used over any period of time, depending on the tariff.