iSAtech water GmbH
Water Kiosks Water Kiosk Mozambique

Project start: 2019

Partner: Enteria GmbH

Project cornerstones:

  • Project for water distribution in rural areas with central water towers and surrounding water taps
  • iSAtech Control Units at distributed standpipes within a radius of one kilometer around a water tower
  • Adapted iSAtech Control Unit for recording the amount of water pumped
  • Configuration: online prepaid system with central monitoring and provision of delivery data for display on a public website
  • Networking with SRD radio via an iSAtech Radio Gateway, mobile radio for online payment system and online monitoring
  • Energy supply: solar/battery
  • Embedded in the project partner’s IT infrastructure for evaluation and networking of all participants as a “global community”

Press release 04/15/2020 (German)

Press release 08/20/2020 (German)

Press release 12/17/2020 (German)