iSAtech water GmbH
Imprint iSAtech water GmbH


Phone numbers

+49 (0)30 36437545


iSAtech water GmbH
Elisenstraße 5
12169 Berlin


Dipl.-Math. Hanna Jaß
Dipl.-Ing. Emanuel Mey


Court of Registration: Registergericht Berlin – Charlottenburg
HRB: 131913
USt-Identification Number: DE 275 571 772
D-U-N-S-Number: 341907235

You can find our general terms and conditions here

General Information

All content, text, images and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. Their reproduction, editing, distribution, and any utilization require the written consent of iSAtech water GmbH. This website contains links to third-party websites. However, we have no control over the content of these websites and are not responsible for them. We will follow up on any indications of illegal content at any time and remove the link if there is a legal infringement. Every time our website is accessed, data (e.g., IP address, date, time, and pages accessed) is stored on the server. The data is not evaluated except in anonymized form for statistical purposes. For more information, please read our privacy policy.


Cover picture: Used with the kind permission of atmosfair gGmbH
Sample images STS projects: Used with the kind permission of Water Compass Inc.